Be Hopeful, Be Humble, and Read All the Time

Only a month behind schedule, but spring has finally arrived in Ontario. The temperatures have been so pleasant and I can’t wait to see how it’s going to continue to improve as we get closer to summer.

It goes without saying that I am hoping with all hope that the summer will be just as nice. Fingers crossed that it won’t get too hot, though nothing will ever beat the summer heat of Florida. Sorry Canadian family, but I can’t complain when the high reaches the low-80s with humidity factored in! I won’t do much complaining anyway after the frigidly cold and too long winter we had. I will be happy to sweat in the heat and squint when the sun is too bright. Bring it on!

Speaking of hope, there have been a lot of people and places that have needed a hefty does of it lately. So many tragic and terrible events have been happening all over the world, but I won’t go into them. This is not a place to rehash the negative, but to grasp and hold onto the positive.

Hope is important. I recall the amount of times that Ginnifer Goodwin’s character, Mary Margaret/Snow White, on Once Upon a Time falls back on it. It’s a powerful, driving force that, when used, can help a person through even the worst situations. I needed a lot of hope these past few months and, while things have improved for my personal well-being, I am still holding it close to me.

Which is why it’s refreshing to wake up with a reminder around my wrist to ‘Be Hopeful’. In contrast, there is also the reminder to ‘Be Humble’.


When I first saw these bracelets on Instagram, I thought it was the next ‘fad’ that people were going to be wearing. They were originally only in clear, but when I saw the blue ones, my interest was slightly peeked.

Lokai works in partnership with a variety of non-profit charities. In March, to celebrate healthy water for all, they partnered with charity: water. They created this exclusive blue bracelet with 100% of the funds that were donated through the purchase to help bring drinkable water to the less fortunate countries in the world. I am a strong supporter that drinkable and healthy water is not a privilege. I am hopeful that this ideal will be eradicated along with poverty, starvation, and the myriad of complications that exist in our world.

The black and white beads hold mud from the Dead Sea and water from Mt. Everest. The lowest and highest points in the world. “Be Hopeful” and “Be Humble”. The constant reminder that everything will be alright and to never think too highly of one’s self or what you may have. Achieving a perfect balance is difficult, but can be done. This I believe to be 100% true.

Why? Because I’m achieving it.

While my roadblocks in life are not nearly as comparable as the difficulties others have faced, I can say that I am starting to see a smoother path. Much smoother than it had been in quite some time. There are still some bumps, but that is to be expected. The important thing to remember is that you can get over them, albeit a bit slowly, and continue on your way.

Making time for yourself is part of this, which is what I have been doing every morning and every evening.

I recently read an article in Real Simple magazine where a reader got up in the morning, made herself coffee, and then read until she either finished the cup or it went too cold to drink. I started following this routine last week, through the weekend, and I have never felt better. Most people would think waking up at 6:30 AM on a Saturday would be torture…and it is. For the first five minutes. Then I fetch my coffee, open my curtains, and sit in the calming coziness of my bedroom, sipping my coffee, and reading. I missed reading and had challenged myself that I would read a total of 20-50+ books throughout the year.

I was 8 books behind schedule. Unacceptable! That needed to change.

Then I read the article and I realized how amazing it can make you feel. Sure I may be in bed between 9-9:30 PM and asleep by 10:00 PM, but it’s worth it! I suggest others try it, whether you take the time in the morning or evening. I’m fortunate that I can do both! I am finding that I am enjoying the books that I read even more as I am able to take in the content without interruption.

My recent reads included: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins and Enclave (#1 in the Razorland Trilogy) by Ann Aguirre. I highly recommend both! I’m currently working on Starcrossed which I am enjoying, but still have a strong sense of skepticism of how I’m going to actually feel once I’m finished.

Be Hopeful, Be Humble, and Keep Smiling! Everything will be alright.